How a Central Vacuum Works
SMART central vacuum systems use specifically designed tubing installed in the walls of your home to carry 100% of the contacted dirt, dust and allergens away from your living area to the central power unit commonly located in the garage, utility room or basement.
To activate the system, simply insert the lightweight hose into a central vacuum wall inlet valve. Most homes will typically have one central vacuum inlet valve per floor averaging three per house. The flexible lightweight hose and inlet system allow you to easily move from room to room without having to push a heavy upright vacuum or pull canister vacuum behind commonly bumping into walls or valuable furniture.
SMART central vacuum systems are much quieter than most portable vacuums as the power unit of a central vacuum is located outside of the living, where the motor of a portable vacuum is in the same room you clean.

1. Tubing installed through interior walls, attic, basement
and crawlspaces connects vacuum inlets to the power unit.
2. Each strategically located inlet valve lets you vacuum
approximately 700-800 square feet.
3. The power unit is located away from the living area,
usually in a basement, garage or ventilated utility room.
4. Innovative accessories like the VacPan® can be incorporated
into the system for additional cleaning ease.
5. A variety of cleaning attachments such as a crevice tool, a
dusting tool and the fabric tool allows you to vacuum any
type of surface.
6. Exhausted to the outside or through a HEPA filter system
to leave you nothing but clean indoor air.